Maniac-Control Instead of Gun-Control


Seeking statutes that prevent sick minds from committing violence


On Thursday night in Aurora, Colorado, a 24-year old graduate student walked into a movie theatre and killed 12 people and injured many others. Today, FBI explosive experts held controlled explosions of the killer’s apartment which was reported to be ridden with explosives and trip-wires designed to maim if not kill anyone who entered.

Needless to say, this was not the work of a normal person or even a person who was angry or had a bad grudge. This person was, and is, deranged in his thought-process.

Perhaps in any given time prior to the last few decades, everyone would have noticed and acknowledged this as the work of a sick person and not the fault of the weaponry he used. But not with the modern Liberal.

Above: Tim McVeigh committed the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks using fertilizer and race-car fuel; should those be outlawed?

No sooner than the killer’s gun-barrels had cooled, Liberals were using this unfortunate incident as justification for gun-control. If only they called for the reform of government programs when such were abused by participants the way this individual abused guns.

Amongst the usual suspects was Gail Collins of The New York Times. She informed those of us who may have not known that “in our country, the mass shootings come so frequently that most of them go by virtually unnoticed.” Yes, they must be unnoticed as I did not notice or know that most of my countrymen have been blown away in massacres.

The reality is that mass killings of this sort are relatively rare in the United States. It should be noted, though, that the atrocities that occur overseas that Liberals don’t wish to prevent and instead allow the U.N. to acquiesce to (think: Libya, Iraq under Saddam, Afghanistan) are far more prevalant and destructive. Such inconsistent response contradicts Liberals’ assertion that the U.S., and by extension its citizens, is an equal member of the world community in which there should be a homogeneous treatment and standard applied.

The harsh truth of the matter is that humanity, at its present stage, will produce unhinged people who will commit barbaric acts, regardless of whether gun (or explosive) control exists. If there is an effective “maniac-control” statute that could be enacted, I’d be all for it.

Until the Nirvanac day that people don’t misuse guns or any other instruments that can inflict death or destruction, we would better use our time trying to identify and prevent such maladjusted individuals from committing such heinous acts, to the extent such is even possible.

-I.M. Windee

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