Ignore the Reality Behind the Campaign Rhetoric


Like the Wizard of Oz, President Obama wants us to ignore his failures; hence the rhetorical pistol-whippings of Mitt Romney when he stumbles into the truth


If this Fall’s presidential election were to be decided on policy, ability to lead or even vision for the country, Mitt Romney would win, hands down. But if the campaign is to be decided by billowing rhetorical smoke and mirrors, as it appears it might be, President Obama will not only retain the White House but for overcoming such a weak case to re-elect him, he might earn king-for-life status.

The latest verbal faux pas (which in this campaign means telling the truth) that Mr. Romney stumbled into was saying at a fundraiser this past May “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what…All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That, that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what.” Romney went on to say that “these are people who pay no income tax. 47 percent of Americans who pay no income tax.  So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect.” He said his job “is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Above: Like the Wizard of Oz, President Obama wants us to ignore his failures behind the campaign rhetoric


One of the problems with what he said is that it is predominantly true. Despite the harried discussion about taxes and “fair share,” a large portion of Americans do not pay any income tax, which is well below the 15% rate that Mr. Romney pays and has been burned at the public stake for.

And when it comes to entitlements like social security, medicare or even unemployment benefits, the vast bulk of the “99%” fully expect and feel entitled to everything they get and then some. Try convincing blue-hairs, clutching their social security check and a picture of FDR, that they have taken more from the system than they paid into and that perhaps benefits should be pared back. That alone will cause a trip to the emergency room, paid for by the government. So, too, with government workers who in many cases get rich medical and pension packages along with wages above private industry norms.

The tough truth of the matter is we have become an entitlement society. So Mr. Romney can be accused of his usual in-artful delivery, but certainly not for telling mistruths.

Still, Mr. Romney, one of these months (with only 1 to go before the election), must understand that Democrats will do anything to change the subject from the reality of a lackluster economic recovery, caused by their policies. Hence, the fabled Republican wars on [fill in the blank]. Think of it as a variation of the Wizard of Oz’s “ignore the man behind the curtain”: ignore the anemic recovery behind our campaign demagoguery of the Republicans.

Which leads to what Governor Romney should be talking about if he wants to win the election: economic growth which brings jobs. Lamenting the cultural lineal descent since the 1960s, resulting in the entitlement mentality so prevalent, is a great idea: for a white-paper or think-tank debate. But it does nothing to inspire the electorate to cast a vote for the messenger of such somber news.

What people wish to hear is how Mr. Romney will set the conditions so that there is no longer a need or desire for entitlements. To wit, Mr. Romney must show how he will implement policies that allow growth, of the kind of the Reagan ’80s, that will bring prosperity which everyone will aspire for.

If Mr. Romney only wishes to bemoan American decline, the voters will rightfully pick the candidate who does such best (as well as promotes it): President Obama.

-I.M. Windee

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