And on the First Day, God [Really] Created Obama and Government‏


An imperfect system of governing (and citizen mindset) doesn’t force the wisdom of Obama on us


When it comes to the mindset of President Obama, everything revolves around government and government has all of the solutions, if we just have the good sense to let it address our problems. To our president, a society is judged, and problems solved, by its government and not its people. This despite whatever perfunctory remarks he may make on the campaign trail or elsewhere about individualism and the right of people to run their own lives. In fact, in a moment of candor, Mr. Obama likely would wonder why the pilgrims who came ashore in the early 1500s did not immediately establish a large entitlement state run by government. Surely that would have alleviated the high mortality rate they experienced in the first years here.

And anyone who disagrees with his government-centric view of the world is either malevolent (Conservatives/Republicans) or not evolved (the large groups of polled people who think government spending is out of control). So these people are to be ignored and the policy juggernaut of ever-growing government must proceed unabated. Eventually, when force-fed socialism a la Europe, people will fall into an msg-like acquiescence and accept, even if just in a daze, that government is the only answer. Orwell could not have scripted this reality better or more believably in a novel.

11th Century Hawaiian King Canute showed the limits of his power; President Obama believes his powers are limitless


But the president’s critics gets it wrong when they suggest that Mr. Obama is not to be trusted as John Boehner and Republicans generally don’t believe Mr.  Obama.

The mindset of the president seems to be one of an infallible and absolute ruler, not necessarily that of someone intentionally duplicitous. In his view, it is the imperfection of our system that he is not allowed to impose his will and polices on this country without question. This is evidenced by his actions after the election in which he by no means won a convincing mandate but he and his Liberal wingmen acted as though they not only won a landslide of FDR or Nixon proportions but that the election also changed the constitution and vested in him absolute authority to impose his will. If the Republicans in the House did not go along, it was only because they were tone-deaf to this high-pitched whistle that only Liberals could somehow discern. Nonetheless, Liberals believe Republicans should rubber-stamp his agenda and how dare they if they don’t!

And where did he get such a belief that he should be completely deferred to? Predominantly by defeating the Clinton machine.

A mere 5 years ago, Mr. Obama was a long-shot taking on one of the best political machines known to history: the Clintons. Going into 2008, few people who followed politics really believed that the rookie senator from Illinois was any match for Arkansas’ national political version of Bonnie & Clyde. After so effectively dispatching their adversaries in the 1990s, Hillary (and Bill ["2 for the price of 1"]) would easily win the 2008 Democratic nomination. But with an effective grass-roots campaign as well as an electorate weary of insiders given the financial meltdown, Mr. Obama capitalized on his luck and the pupil taught the teacher (to this day, no one, including Republicans, is more amazed and flummoxed at Mr. Obama’s ascension than Bill and Hillary Clinton). Thus, in President Obama’s belief, he has earned the right by virtue of his Herculean electoral accomplishments to get what he wants, despite what pesky documents like the Constitution say.

As the never-ending sequester talks drag on, Speaker Boehner and Republicans would do well to realize that they are dealing with a take no prisoners politician in the president. He will only respond (and compromise in fact and not just word) when he is faced with political defeat or the threat thereof.

-I.M. Windee

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