Liberal Ironies


Mayor De Blasio is near the dreaded 1%; a Planet Jersey government worker deplores a tax that helped pay him


Recently, New York City Mayor De Blasio released his 2013 tax returns which showed he was near the top 1% in terms of income. Yet surprisingly, he had an effective tax rate of 8.3% which is near the lowest marginal rate of 5%. For a die-hard Liberal who is constantly obsessed over income inequality and whether the rich are paying their fair share, one must ask if he is paying enough when others in the 1% are paying an effective tax rate at least in the lower double-digits and yet are being flogged at the stake of public opinion by Liberals like Mr. De Blasio.

New York City Mayor De Blasio: an aspiring One-percenter 


Recently, at one of the town meetings that Governor Christie attends (and unofficially earns a medal of honor for enduring), retired New Jersey State Trooper Scott Packwood expressed his disenchantment with the realty transfer tax he had to pay when he sold his house.

Yet Trooper Packwood likely had a long, multi-year payroll paid by the New Jersey taxpayer. This was in part supported by the realty transfer tax. And the tax of $5,435 that he laments paying would’ve been on a home sales price of over $600,000. No slum by any standard.

Retired New Jersey State Trooper Scott Packwood does not like paying a tax that helped pay for his compensation

Let us assume that Trooper Packwood and his colleagues are worth everything they are paid and perhaps even more.

The grisly reality is that somebody’s got to pay for them and the politician/government-worker complex built up and the double-edge sword is that government workers are taxpayers too, until the self-serving politicians decide they can buy votes and give them an exemption from paying taxes.

-I.M. Windee

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