President Obama Has Faith; Just Not in Americans


President Obama must have the faith in Americans to decide their lives for themselves

At the National Prayer Breakfast today, President Obama said his Christian faith is a driving force behind his economic policies, from Wall Street reform to his calls  for the wealthy to pay higher taxes. As a person of faith, it is good to hear the President claim such. Still, these remarks are reminiscent of President Lincoln observing, during the Civil War, that during great struggles, both sides claim God to be on their side; one side, though, must be wrong.

But a closer look at his 3 years in office suggest that while Mr. Obama may have religious and spiritual faith, he is lacking such in the average American.

Since the President has taken office, he has regulated every major area of American life that he was able.  And no matter what anyone says, government laws and regulations are an implicit lack of faith that people can do the right thing on their own.  From financial regulation to health care to energy production, Mr. Obama has determined how people should act because he obviously believes that they cannot make the correct decision, however such is defined, on their own.

So when Mr. Obama breaks out his prayer beads during the campaign season, he would do well to not only believe in God, but also in a people who are of a nation whose principles are based upon the faith that he claims to hold: Americans.

-I.M. Windee

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