Barack Obama: A Fading Robin Hood

As President Obama and Democrats sift through the rubble of this year’s elections, they refuse to accept that their policies are adversely affecting business and the economy.

Like him or not, President Obama is a very smart person. His shortcoming is that he is obsessed with wealth re-distribution, to the point he will sacrifice growth. Every day he wakes up he sees a society of inequity and unfairness and it is his primary mission to address such, in his mind.


Robin Hood, the legendary thief of England, stole from the rich and gave the wealth to the poor. Stories about his life and adventures first appeared in the late 1400s.First official presidential portrait of Barack Obama, wearing a black suit with a blue tie and American flag lapel pin, indoors with the American flag and the flag of the President draped in the background

Like Robin Hood, President Obama tries to take from the rich and give to the poor; to the poor’s detriment


While he says he wants growth, it must only come with his grand scheme of re-distributing wealth in the economy. And if it is an either/or proposition, he’ll take no growth for re-distribution. He’s done it with taxes, regulatory approval of oil and gas and his Department of Justice which bludgeons money out of banks for phantom illegal activities. All in the name of fairness. He is an American Robin Hood.

This will not change as Mr. Obama is all in with his policies for the remaining 2 years.

The best Republicans can do for the balance of his tenure is keep him in check with his legislative agenda, which is all but dead.

But dreams that he will back off of his failed thinking and truly compromise, in act and not just rhetoric, are hopeful but not realistic.

The irony is that even Jimmy Carter resorted to de-regulation and calling for tax cuts when his policies were failing.

-I.M. Windee

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