The Trump Reich Falls….
….and its supporters are rounded up by the Republican establishment
As the Trump re-election effort is collapsing, events are happening quickly:
- From his bunker in the White House, Donald Trump has declared “the German people deserve their defeat as they have not tried hard enough to support me and the cause.” Afterwards, he clarified he meant the American people and admitted he was having a Shirley MacLaine moment going back 75 years more than he meant to.
- With the Republican establishment regaining control of the party, Trump supporters are being rounded up and sent to Ideology Re-Education Camps where they will listen endlessly to recorded speeches by Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and the late John McCain and George Herbert Walker (“Un-Dukakis”) Bush.
- The New York Times editorial board is reminding everyone that they were right about Trump all along and this is further reason to have voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016…..and never, ever, Richard Nixon.
- MSNBC is apoplectic and while agreeing with The New York Times editorial board, they want a re-count, in the spirit of Al Gore, to keep Mr. Trump in office or they will lose 47 years of material for their shows.
Führer Trump’s reich didn’t reach 8 years, let alone 1,000
- Bob Michel, former and deceased Republican congressional leader who was happy to have his party in the minority during his reign in the 1980s and 1990s, has been unearthed and named the Republican National Committee’s chairman. He has vowed to bring “civility” back to Republicans in contrast to Trump and his “angry mobs.” He also reminded everyone that being the majority party is over-rated.
- Related, the Republican National Committee has announced that their new slogan is “Love Biden; he’s not Trump.”
- The leadership at the New Jersey Education Association asserts that the fall of Trump shows how wrong former Governor Chris Christie’s policies are. When pressed, they could not elaborate.
- Russian president Vladimir Putin has offered Trump a ministerial position in his government as he says he likes his “thorough approach towards his adversaries.”
- When asked for reaction to the Trump implosion, the aging and occasionally confused Bill Clinton declared “I DIDN’T TOUCH HER!!” Hillary Clinton vehemently affirmed such statement and asserted whoever “she” is, nonetheless, is a bimbo. Hearing this, Joe Biden thought it was about him and fretted until he was escorted to his nap.
- A group of Liberals in congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer called for a Trump Tax as compensation for having to endure his administration and, former President Obama, who agreed but forgetting he was no longer in office, said he would enact such by an executive order if the Republicans would not go along.
- Former NFL star Brett Favre said that he is considering coming out of retirement and replacing Trump until he realized politics is not like the NFL, and is a far harder contact sport that the NFL.
Sic semper tyrannis
-I.M. Windee